Saturday, July 11, 2015

That's a Wrap - Cuernavaca Day 13

I officially completed my two week course on Cultural Competency in the Foreign Language Classroom today!  I truly have to say that I enjoyed each and every day of my classes at Cemanahuac Educational Community.  My Spanish language skills have blossomed and I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from my new teacher friends from around the US.  I can't believe how fast the time has gone and I wish that I could stay longer here.  I'm just getting used to my routine.  I say good morning to the same people on my way to school each day. I'm an expert at trying to cross the street without getting hit by a bus.  I know where the ATM and supermarkets are.  I don't even bat an eye when I see a guard with a semi-automatic rifle watching me while I'm withdrawing money from my bank account. I have felt safe here and believe that Cuernavaca is a really great place to study Spanish and Mexican culture.  I really feel comfortable here and would love to come back.  The eternal springtime weather doesn't hurt either!

Tonight, we ventured to the Hacienda de Cortes Spa and Hotel for our final dinner.  Gorgeous doesn't begin to capture the beauty and essence of this historical treasure.  Once the sugar plantation of Hernan Cortes, this land and its buildings exist today as a lush tropical retreat for international travelers.  We took a tour of the grounds and then sat down to a very elegant dinner.  The pictures speak for themselves.  I enjoyed each and every thing I ordered tonight.  First, I enjoyed a glass of dry white wine. For some reason, when you ask them here what types of white wine they have, they simply give you the name of the vineyard, but not the type of the wine.  I asked if they had pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc and our waiter thought I was nuts.  I went with the vibe and chose a vino blanco from the list. It was probably a sauvignon blanc and it was fine with me.  Just a weird thing that we've noticed in several restaurants here.  For an appetizer, I had ceviche a la veracruzana. This is delicious raw seafood marinated in lime juice and then served in a cold tomato broth. It was fabulous!  We were served complimentary champagne mango cocktails which were "out of this world!" They came with chili and lime seasoning on the rim of the glass.  For my entree, I chose chicken breast stuffed with squash blossoms and cheese with green chili verde on top.  Again, quite fabulous!  There was no room for desserts, plus you know how I feel about Mexico and its inability to figure out desserts. We had a lovely "graduation" ceremony in one of the beautiful courtyard areas and then we ventured home amidst many hugs and tears.  It's amazing how close you can get in just a short period of time. Thanks to email and social media, I believe we will remain in close contact for many years to come.  Great, strong women!  What a blessing it has been to know them!  












Now, I must try and stuff everything I brought with me back into my bags.  Plus, I have to add all the things that I've purchased so far.  It's not going to be easy.  I leave with my roommate around 9:00 tomorrow morning.  We will take the bus back to Mexico City where she will head in one direction for a day of sightseeing and I will wait at the airport for Brian to arrive.  

The next part of this adventure begins when I go from being student to teacher/tour guide.  I hope Brian is ready for what I have in store!

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