Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A day in the Life - Cuernavaca Day 4

Happy Wednesday! My Wednesday started at 3am with the sound of raindrops falling on my suitcase. Yes, that's right. My suitcase. Apparently the rains this year have been heavier than usual. I guess so because the roof over my bedroom is leaking. Right over where my clothes were located. At least ten items were soaked and since this is not my home, I wasn't sure what to do. I finally found a trash can and set it under the leak until morning. We don't have laundry facilities here so I hand washed my stuff in the shower and put it on the balcony to dry. It kind of feels like I'm camping. I don't like camping when everything I've packed is for interior accommodations. Oh well, it's all part of the experience I suppose. Nevertheless, the sky was clearing as the sun came up and the rest of the day was pleasant.

Breakfast was fruit, toast and eggs. Still yummy. We requested (actually my housemate spoke up for us) that the hotdogs be left out of the eggs. I felt bad, but I don't like them that much and they aren't good for us so hopefully we won't be having scrambled hotdog eggs for breakfast any more!

School was fun today. My class is challenging and we are all at the same language level. It's really great to be with like minds who have linguistic questions like I do. We have gotten off topic many times when discussing a very obscure grammar rule or two, but it's cool to be with students who are pushing my language knowledge to the highest level it's been at since college. Here is a picture taken at our school during break time today. 

After school, we returned home for comida, the biggest meal of the day. We started with noodle soup followed by beef stew, rice, beans, avocado and tortilla. Very spicy and very delicious. Here it is!

After a short nap, my housemate (HM) and I walked to another neighborhood to meet with some other students to attend a Zumba class. Holy moly! I had done Zumba before, but this class was really challenging. Perhaps the lack of air conditioning or the altitude (we are at the same as Denver) had an impact.  Who knows? Whatever it was, it made me sweat like crazy and it felt great. It cost 15 pesos or $1 and a water bottle was 5 pesos or $0.33. Getting some exercise with new friends? Priceless. 

My HM and I walked home from Zumba (round trip is a bit over 2 miles). Along the way we made a stop at a large grocery store. I wanted a cold drink after that workout!  We got sidetracked in the bakery by the incredible variety of baked goods. Next time, I'm taking pictures. I hate looking like a tourist, but there are so many things we just don't see often in the U.S.  I'm not a huge fan of baked goods and pastries, but I appreciate the art and craft of baking. Most of the items sold here are a bit dry for my taste, but I might have to try a few things to develop my palette. 

We are home now watching soccer and having supper (cena). I have a little homework to do and then I plan to do some light reading before lights out!  I have not slept well yet, so fingers crossed that a day of walking, studying and eating will lead to a restful sleep!  I hope you are having a great Wednesday!

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