Monday, July 6, 2015

Quick Recap of the Day - Cuernavaca Day 9

Here are a few photos from my day today that begin with me watching the World Jump Rope Grand Championship from my school.  Kevin placed in many events and I was so proud to be able to see him from afar!  It was really fun to introduce my classmates to the sport of jump rope.  Most of them had never heard of it, but there was one lady who was familiar with our sister team, the Bouncing BullDogs from North Carolina.  

Trying to watch parts of the World Jump Rope Grand Championship

 My "mama" and our helper, Esperanza

Alfonso, the patriarch of the house

 Caldo de pollo with vegetables, our main meal of the day 
My housemate (HM) and "mama" 

Pardon the hair and dark eyes, but here is the "before"

 And the after! Yum!

I walked to Zumba again and then met with some of my teacher friends for a light supper at a place called Vikingos.  There I had yet another bowl of caldo (chicken based brothy soup).  This time, it was caldo Tlalpeno and it was spicy!

Lastly, I promised Molly I would try and take pictures of street dogs here in Mexico.  Here is one of my favorite strays just waiting for Zumba to start!

Have a great night!

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