Saturday, June 27, 2015

Travel day - Part 2 in Mexico

Technically, this post begins in the air over the Gulf of Mexico, I presume.  I am in an aisle seat so I truly have no concept of where we are geographically.  However, I wanted to share that my first "survival conversation" just took place.  The flight attendant hands out two forms to all passengers who are not traveling on a Mexican passport.  These forms are a Mexican immigration form and a customs form.  These must be completely and accurately filled in before I get in line for Mexican immigration at the DF airport.  Being the consummate planner that I am, I failed to pack a pen for this.  Go figure!  Everyone on the plane sitting around me is Mexican (we will assume Mexican because this is a flight to the capital of Mexico, not because they are all speaking Spanish.  I know better than that!).  The gentleman next to me has a pen.  I wait quietly for him to finish his forms and then I ask, "Disculpa, ¿puedo user tu pluma?"  He hands me the pen.  Phew!  Mission accomplished.  See, now that wasn't so scary, was it? 😀

These two forms are my immigration and customs declarations.  The immigration line was very long. I think I waited almost an hour.  When I got to customs, I pressed a buttom that randomly decides who to search. Fortunately, I got a green light so I was able to move straight to the bus terminal.

I stopped to pick up more pesos at one of the airport cambios and then I walked to the bus terminal to purchase my ticket for Cuernavaca.

This is when my travel plans got a little bit interrupted.  The bus ride from DF to Cuernavaca should take about 90 minutes.  Today, because of traffic, it was a 3 1/2 hour ride.  Now, I was riding in style with sporadic wifi, A/C, a movie and on-board bathrooms.  However, it was a longgggggg ride.  

Finally, I arrived at the Cuernavaca bus station where I promptly retrieved my bags and got into what I thought might be an illegal tax.  It turns out that it was actually a licensed taxi, but I didn't know that at the time.  My driver was polite and friendly.  We arrived at my host family's house at around 5:45 (CST).  

So, for those keeping track, my time from door to door today was 13 hours and 45 minutes and included a car, a train, a bus, 2 planes, a taxi and lots of walking.
 Mexican customs form

Mexican immigration form

The immigration line

The immigration station

Casa de cambios (foreign money exchange)

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