Friday, June 26, 2015

Bags, bags, bags

I just checked in on for my early morning flight tomorrow.  I am a little worried about my connection in Atlanta because it's only 55 minutes.  From what I can tell by looking at the same flights from today, the terminals aren't too far apart which means if everything is on time, I SHOULD make it to my connecting flight.

Today is all about packing.  I have been throwing things in my bathroom all week in anticipation of the great packing event.  Like most women, I like bags.  I don't care about labels or designers, but I love discovering new practical travel bags.

Sooooo, each time I travel I seem to think that I need at least one, or in this case, two new bags.  I keep using the justification that this trip is longer and different than most of my other trips so it's okay for me to spend money on things like bags.  My husband might disagree. My kids definitely think I'm nuts.  One thing that is different on this trip is that I will need more things for a longer stay so I will be checking in one large suitcase. I borrowed this one from my sister-in-law who has traveled extensively in international airports and train stations.  I'm thrilled that she entrusted it to me and I promise to bring it back unharmed.

I also splurged on this Lug bag for my every day bag.  It's small, water-resistant and is just plain cute.  I love that it has a concealed water bottle carrier on the side. That will come in handy for pyramid and volcano hiking.  It also has a very functional phone holder on the front that is secure enough to protect my phone, but accessible enough for me to grab my phone without fumbling around for ten minutes.

Finally, I purchased this wheeled backpack within a backpack from IKEA (along with lots of other fun travel accessories).  This will be my main carry-on item. When I have to run to the bus station or walk around with all of my luggage, I can put this one on my back to free my hands for pulling the large suitcase.  The logistics of pulling two wheeled bags are not easy.  The best part about this backpack/carry-on is that the front part detaches and is a self-contained small backpack.  If I need to carry my iPad around or anything larger than what my Lug can carry, I can use this.

When I travel, I love having my hands free.  I also love when everything has a place.   The bags I have chosen for this trip will allow me both of those things.  Now, we won't know until later if everything I want to take fits in these bags.  My hope is that I have room to spare for bringing back teaching materials and realia.  If not, I can always use Brian's bag, right?

Hasta pronto!

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