Monday, March 21, 2016

Springbreak in Mexico...not a beach in sight

It's been a very long time since I updated this blog.  I have been busy teaching middle school and raising my family.  The fall and winter went by so quickly.  It's hard to believe that spring break is already here.  Back in October, I was able to secure super inexpensive airfare to Mexico City for my spring break. I offered to take any of my own children with me, yet only had one taker: Kevin.  So, in three short days, Kevin and I will be boarding a plane in Cincinnati along with his friend Anna.  We will be flying to Mexico City where we will stay for four nights and then we will head south to Cuernavaca where we will stay with a lovely lady named Marilu whom I met last summer on my trip.

The weather in Mexico City and Cuernavaca can't be beat.  It will be warm all day and cool all night! I can't wait to celebrate Easter mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral in the Centro Histórico!  I also can't wait to see Kevin and Anna's reactions to all of the amazing things we will see and do!  The food...omg the food!  My mouth is watering just thinking about all of the papaya I'm going to eat!

As with my trip last summer, look for daily updates.  My focus with this trip, in addition to showing the kids around, it to gather more images of written Spanish to bring back to my classroom.  I will be using a lot of what I collect during my trip to compile a bank of authentic teaching resources. Teachers never stop learning (or taking graduate classes)!

I really enjoy writing this blog as it is a great way to document and reflect on my travels.  Thank you for reading it!

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