Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The End is Near

One way a middle school teacher can tell that the school year is coming to an end is that the best, most well-behaved students start doing things that wouldn't even have been within the realm of possibility earlier in the school year.  Take, for example, the boy who cut another boy's hair when given scissors to cut out pictures for a poster yesterday.  Having to tell girls not to glue their hair to their cheeks was another example.  It's time for a break, for all of us!  Which brings me to the purpose of this post.  It's only 39 days until I leave for my trip to Mexico.  It is coming so quickly and I feel so unprepared.  When school gets out next week, I will shift into preparation mode...big time!  The next few days will be spent wrapping up the school year with food fiestas, country projects, tearful goodbyes, locker clean-outs and lots of hugs.  After that, I'm on my own voyage toward self-discovery and renewal!

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