Sunday, October 2, 2016

¡Bienvenidos estudiantes!

¡Hola chicos!

Welcome to Sra. Mo's blog!  I hope you enjoy looking at my photos and reading some of my blog posts about Mexico and Costa Rica.  Please feel free to bounce around between pages to find interesting stories and cool images of my travel to both countries.  I would love to read your comments as well!

You will see that I have keep a running journal of three international trips in this blog.  First was my three week trip to Mexico in June and July of 2015.  This was followed by my return to Mexico in the spring of 2016.  Finally, my first trip to Costa Rica in June 2016 is also featured here.

I love to travel and I especially love sharing my memories and reflections with others.  Travel is my passion and I hope that you will find inspiration to visit new and exotic places by reading my blog!  ¡Buen viaje!