Friday, May 6, 2016

Countdown to Costa Rica

In just over a month, I will be heading to Costa Rica for the first time with a large group that includes 33 middle school students.  These students range in age from 11 to 14.  I am so excited to see Costa Rica for the first time and to be able to do it with two of my own children, Ellie and Megan.  There are more than 40 of us traveling in our group!  It's going to be a bit chaotic, but with the proper amount of preparation and country research, we are ready to take Costa Rica by storm on June 8th!

I will be blogging as much as I can throughout the trip. My posts may be delayed due to lack of Wifi, but rest assured, I will be documenting the trip on a daily basis from my multiple perspectives as a curious individual, a cautious mother and an ever-learning teacher.  Of course, I will also include my food photos and I'm hoping to have some exciting nature and wildlife photos to share as well.  My fingers are crossed for only moderate rain (it is rainy season there) during our trip, but a carry on bag full of quick dry clothes, a poncho, my Keens and some stretchy headbands will certainly help.  I'm also planning to take bug repellent wipes, emergency antibiotics and a whole lot of baby wipes and hand sanitizer!

I look forward to sharing this journey with you and with my many new readers!  Welcome Costa Rica traveler families! I hope you enjoy reading about my travel as much as I enjoy writing about it!

For now, I'll end with what the Ticos say, "Pura Vida!"